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09. September 2013 | M2M Journal (online)

09.09.2013 -

In motor racing, speeds of up to 300 km/h are nothing unusual. That is the sport’s attraction, but it also increases the accident risk. In an emergency the marshals are time to keep the situation under control. If they wave the yellow flag to indicate a dangerous situation, driver must slow down. For the German Motor Sport Association (DMSB) and Nürburgring long-distance racing championship organiser VLN, Telekom and its Premium Partner 6P$overlP have developed a position-finding system that enables speeds to be checked throughout the race for the first time.

“The corn of the M2M solution is the transmission technology. The GPS over JP protocol, that was specially developed for GPS positioning and data transmission on the mobile Internet, " says Andre Jurleit,  Managing Director of the Schweinfurter-based company GPSoverIP. A telemetry box the size of a cigarette packet ls built into the vehicle’s interior. It incorporates inter alla a wireless module, a GPS receiver, and an M2M SIM Chip. A CAN module also registers the racing car’s telemetry data – data such as oil temperature or fuel pressure. Two antennas on the roof and a racing app round off the system.


Pit stop made easy
Home does the data get from the car to the computer screen?  The car's position and telemetry data are transmitted by GPRS via the Telekom wireless network to the GPSoverIP  server for processing. The racing teams and race organisers can then follow the race on a  tablet or PC. At the same time the data is supplied to app users, albeit with different access rights. Spectators, for example, can use the app to follow vehicle positions in real time on a virtual map of the course. The racing beams have additional access to the telemetry data of their vehicles in order say, to be able to coordinate pit stops better. Only the race organisers have more detailed access. By clicking on the app they can activate yellow phases for sections of the track and, if necessary, send a ticket - an infringement protocol - to the racing teams.

Transmitting the positioning data presents a challenge. “On some sections of the Nordschleife. Cars pass through the deepest forest, and transmission has no function there too. “Jurleit says. That was why GPSoverIP opted for the secure and reliable Telekom mobile network. “We developed the M2M solution jointly with Telekom and collaborate closely in order to regularly fine-tune the technical details,” Jurleit concludes.



Erschienen: M2M Journal Nr. 17 vom 17. Juli 2013 (M2M Journal (Seite 15))
Text: Carolin Skupin, PR-Partner Köln
Foto: n. a.

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